This special approach for Knee joint surgery allows a faster return to activity, lesser pain and a smaller incision. This allows you to bend your knee faster and with lesser effort. Wound healing is faster and you return early to normal activities like walking and climbing stairs.
Our patients return to mild sporting activities like Cycling, Swimming or Golf in a very short time.
Who requires a Knee replacement surgery? Know More>>
Surgical approach
In subvastus MITKR no cut is made on the underlying thigh muscle called the quadriceps. Instead the joint is approached below the muscle.
This has huge advantages such as not weakening the thigh muscles at all and this is the reason that the patients are able to walk even without holding on to any walking aids almost immediately after the operation. The traditional Medial parapatellar approach, which is still practised in many centres, involved cutting the quadriceps. If the quadriceps is cut, the patients typically need walking aids for 3 to 6 weeks to allow this cut to heal. Moreover, cutting the quadriceps causes more pain and delays the recovery from the operation.
Mini Incision
The instruments to implant the joint and the surgical techniques have been suitably modified so that the new knee joint can be implanted accurately through an incision less than 4 inches. This has advantages, as the lesser the cut on the skin, lesser is the pain and earlier the recovery.
Reduced pain during recovery
The mini TKR through the subvastus approach coupled with advanced postoperative analgesia reduces the pain associated with recovery after the operation. This allows the patients to bend the knee and walk freely very early in the post-operative period.
Full bending of the knee
The ability to achieve full bend of the knee requires the joint to be implanted perfectly.
Care is taken intra-operatively to ensure that the joint is bending fully on the operation table. This allows mobilization of the knee to begin immediately after the operation and to eventually achieve full flexion. The high flex and mobile joints that are available help in achieving this aim.
Faster return to active life
Knee Replacement Surgery is getting more popular as it is very effective. However, some people are not yet considering it because of the length of its recovery and the belief that they would not be able to sit down, squat or kneel after the operation. This is even more relevant in Indian setting due to our cultural need for sitting on the floor for praying etc. Many people want to even squat and use Indian toilet after the operation. Recent technological breakthrough has allowed the recovery to be almost miraculous and function to be virtually normal, allowing the person with a replaced knee to squat and kneel