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Institute of Advanced Orthopedics, MOSC Hospital and Medical College, Kolenchery, Ernakulam, Kerala

How we stand out in Quality!

    • Ortho-dedicated Operation suite with latest guided air-flow system (Johnson & Johnson, USA) – to ensure the greatest degree of sterility & reliability
    • An isolated ICU system handled by specially-trained cardac nurses – with the latest of equipments to handle all including tertiary cardiac emergencies & positioned adjacent to the main OT complex – ensuring anesthesia cover full-time in case of any need .
    • Separate OT suite – to handle any Septic / infected or contaminated cases.
    • Separate Accident & Emergency wing functioning 24 X 7 – which includes a full-fledged Resuscitation room & two other operating suites besides a 5-bedded “Trauma ICU’ dedicated exclusively to handling Trauma.
    • Smith & Nephew Arthroscopy system (USA) – entire range to deal with all problems including Arthroscopic surgeries of smaller Joints such as wrist, elbow, ankle etc
    • Arthrocare Radio-frequency ablator (USA) – the best in the market
    • Body exhaust systems – Stryker (USA) for additional protection from infection during joint replacement surgeries
    • Stryker drill & saw system (USA) – for precision surgery as in joint Replacements.
    • Full component of equipments – to handle Revision joint replacement surgery (Replacement surgeries done before that have malfunctioned for some reason including infection
    • Dedicated “Ortho-Physiotherapist” – so rehabilitation after injury / surgery is targeted precisely which is particularly helpful in sports injuries.

Ancillary facilities

    • Dept of Microbiology – with latest Ultra modren equipments
    • Dept of Pathology – with all facilities including for intra-operative FROZEN SECTION Biopsy – which enables a quick determination of infection status from an operative wound in case of doubts / unequivocal picture.
    • Cardiologist and Intensivist available round the clock
    • CT Scanner – latest with full-time interventional radiologist well-trained in all diagnostic modalities.
    • BLOOD BANK – with all facilities including component extraction etc

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